Twenty New Title Books Were Printed and Delivered for Nangarhar And Khost Universities

20 new textbooks were published in 2022 by the German Aid for Afghan Children (Kinderhilfe-Afghanistan), under the direction of Dr. Eroes, with 20,000 copies each for Nangarhar and Khost universities. During a ceremony, these printed textbooks were formally presented to the authors and lecturers of Nangarhar University.

It is significant to note that Kinderhilfe-Afghanistan has funded 230 textbooks titles with a combined circulation of 230,000 copies for the Nangarhar and Khost universities so far.

Teachers, Vice-chancellor of Nangahar university , and other contributors at textbooks submission conference at PDC,
Nangarhar University, January 24, 2023

On this occasion, a meeting was held on January 24, 2023, in the hall of Nangarhar University’s Professional Education Development Center (PDC), in which the chancellor of this university, Professor Dr. Khalil Ahmad Behsudwal, the Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Professor Ihsanullah Nasih, the heads of various faculties, teachers, and Mr. Yahya Wardak participated online, as well as his colleagues from Kabul.

Professor Dr. Khalil Ahmad Behsoodwal, chancellor of Nangarhar University, Dr. Yahya Wardak on Zoom at Online Mood, Fazil Ali Nagar, head of the press and publications at Nangarhar University, and Professor Mirhatem Niazi were the speakers at this event. During their addresses, they offered their congratulations to the writers of the released books.

The meeting, which included speeches, question-and-answer sessions, the introduction of books, and the official giving of their printed books to the authors, started at 10:00 a.m. and continued for 2 hours.

In addition to the ceremonial speeches, the books published in 2022 were introduced and officially handed over to the leadership, administrative delegation, and teachers of Nangarhar University.

Group Photo of Published books’ authors with Nangarhar University’s Chancellor and other contributors

The German Aid for Afghan Children (Kinderhilfe-Afghanistan) and its director, Dr. Eroes, were thanked by the chancellor of Nangarhar University, Mr. Behsoodwal, as well as the heads of faculties and professors at Nangarhar University. They also requested that their financial support for printing textbooks for Afghan universities be continued in the future as well.

After the discussion and prayer for all those who supported and implemented this program, this event ended with a group photo with the authors of the printed books at 12:00 PM.

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