20 New Nooks Published for Afghanistan
20 New Nooks Published for Afghanistan Universities in 2023 Twenty...
Twenty New Title Books Were Printed
20 new textbooks were published in 2022 by the German...
Twenty-one New Textbooks Were Published in
21 new textbooks for the universities of Afghanistan have been...
Publishing textbooks for Afghan Universities; Presentation
Ladies and gentlemen, I cordially welcome you all to my...
Publishing Textbooks for Afghan Universities
In 2009 I have traveled to the Medical Faculty of Nangarhar...
Book Publishing Short Guide for Afghan Authors
Dear Teacher, One of the biggest issues at Afghanistan’s universities...
Publishing of Textbooks for Afghan Universities
Meine Powerpoint-Präsentation über die Lehrbücher für afghanischen Universitäten in Englisch.
Liste der veröffentl. Lehrbücher
366 Textbooks of 9 Afghan Universities printed in 2010-2022 (Kabul,...