Date: August 18, 2024, Corresponding Date in Afghan Calendar: Asad 27, 1403
Time: Central European Time: 5:00 PM – Afghanistan Time: 7:30 PM
17:00 Start
17:05 Welcome and Program Introduction Dr. Zarin Anzor
17:10 Message from the Afghanistan Culture Promotion Society Dr. Sher Wali Sher
17:20 „All ethnic groups of the Afghan nation contributed to the achievement of independence; therefore, the Independence Day celebration belongs to all the people of Afghanistan and is not specific to any particular ethnic group, language, or region.“ Dr. Noor Ahmad Khalidi
17:30 The 105th Anniversary of Afghanistan’s Independence Associate Professor Dr. Mohammad Osman Rustar Taraki
17:40 What Does Freedom Mean? A Critical Look at Political Freedom Dr. Zaman Stanizai
17:50 The Impact of Afghanistan’s Independence on Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Professor Dr. Fazl Rahim Marwat
18:10 The Arrival of Amanullah Khan at Oxford University and British Conspiracies in His Downfall Professor Dr. Waqar Ali Shah Kakakhel
18:25 Achievements of King Amanullah Khan’s Reign Dr. Mohammad Sharif Zadran
18:35 Questions and Answers
The seminar will also be broadcast live on the following channels:
-Afghanic Facebook, YouTube, & Instagram:
Note: History enthusiasts can participate online and listen to the speeches via the Zoom link below:
Meeting ID: 870 0547 1401
Participants can also submit their questions in writing (chat) to the speakers. The last half-hour of the seminar will be dedicated to a Q&A session.
Organized by: Afghanistan Cultural Development Society in collaboration with Afghanic.