- My opinions, Suggestions & Advices on Higher Education in Afghanistanby Yahya Wardak, MoHE 2016 in Kabul/Bonn
- First Speech of Dr Farida Momand, minister-designate for Higher Eduation at Afghan Parlament in Pashto/Dari, April 2015
- Lack of textbooks in Universities: Students still use handwritten old notes to learn lessons. Afghanistan Times, Monday, March 30, 2015
- Battleground Kankur: Afghan students’ difficult way into higher educationBy: Obaid Ali, January 2015, published by AAN
- One Thousand Dollars for Books per Year: Afghanistan’s undersupplied universities.Author: Christine Roehrs, published by Afghanistan Analysts Network,November 2014
- Higher Education System Improvement Project, HESIP(P146184) Project Preparation Grant (PPG)
- Bureaucratic Policies and Patronage Politics: Prospects and Challenges of Private Higher Education in AfghanistanBy: Niamatullah Ibrahimi, June 2014
- Bureaucratic Policies and Patronage Politics: Prospects and Challenges of Private Higher Education in AfghanistanBy: Niamatullah Ibrahimi, June 2014
- Printing of Medical Textbooksfor Afghan Universities. Dr Yahya Wardak, CIM-Expert &Advisor at MoHE, Kabul
- Higher education in Afghanistan: an emerging mountainscape (98 pp, English), August 2013, Washington DC ; World Bank
- Comprehensive Study of Higher Education in Afghanistan. Rahima Baharustani. December 2012
- Sachbericht: Druck der 50 medizinischen Lehrbücher für afghanischen Universitäten 2012(PDF, 3 S.)
- Studieren ohne Lehrbücher in Afghanistan(www.dw.de)
- Hochschulwesen in Afghanistan:Bildung für Fortschritt in Afghanistan (www.qantara.de)
- Education is the Future: Rebuilding Higher Education in Afghanistan
- Mit Hilfe des DAAD erhalten tausende afghanische Studentinnen/Studenten neue Lehrbücher (pdf)
- Konzept zur Unterstützung der medizinischen Fakultäten in Afghanistan
- Supported by DAAD – thousands of Afghan students received new textbooks
- A Program for Support of Medical Faculties in Afghanistan
- Hochschulen am Hindukusch: Nur so gelingt Afghanistans Wiederaufbau: http://www.spiegel.de/unispiegel/studium/0,1518,647933,00.html
- Wissenschaft:Aufbruch für Afghanistan: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/wissen/aufbruch-fuer-afghanistan/1711670.html
Stabilitätspakt Afghanistan: Wiederaufbau der afghanischen Hochschulen. Dokumentation „Bildung bedeutet Zukunft“
In der Broschüre zeichnen afghanische und deutsche Politiker, Wissenschaftler und Studierende ein persönliches Bild der bereits erfolgreich geförderten Projekte des DAAD in Afghanistan und skizzieren zugleich Zukunftsperspektiven für die Hochschullandschaft am Hindukusch.
Dokumentation „Bildung bedeutet Zukunft“
- Rebuilding Agriculture Higher Education in Afghanistan
- National Higher Education Strategic Plan: 2010 – 2014 (MS-Word, 7 pp.)
- Ministry of Higher Education. Strategic Development Plan, March 2005
Kabul, Ministry of Higher Education, 2005, 21 p. - Strategic action plan for the development of higher education in Afghanistan
Kabul, Ministry of Higher Education, UNESCO 2004, 146 p. - Rebuilding Higher Education System in Afghanistan.International Journal of Education Policy & Leadership, March 14, 2007. Volume 2, Number 3
- Higher Education in Afghanistan.Written by Misbah Abdulbaqi. In Policy Perspectives , Volume6 , Number2, July – December 2009
- Saif R. Samady: Education and Scientific Training for Sustainable Development of Afghanistan
- Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) mohe.gov.af
- ecampus-afghanistan.org(internet-supported teaching & learning at Afghan universities)
- Cooperation of Ruhr University in Bochum with the cooperation with Economic Faculties in Afghanistan
- Good Governance in Afghanistan Program
- Afghanistan-Projekt-Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht
- Afghanistan Higher Education Project (HEP)
- ISPIRE: International Strategic Partnerships of British Council
- Afghanistan: Strengthening Higher Education Program